European Chemicals Agency, ECHA has started in Helsinki. The citty wa splanning to start an "Europen school" aiming to European Baccalaureate EB, bt that is now postponed to 2008.
(They expect some 300 kids of the 450 employees of hte Agency to be in town by that).
Instead, Helsingin Sanomat listed the existing international schools, and indeed, they are a few:
* Full English program in four schools: The English School in Meilahti, International School of Helsinki in Ruoholahti, Kulosaari Secondary School, Maunula Primary School and Ressu Comprehensive School.
* In Espoo 3 more, in Vantaa 2
* Partially English: Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, Kulosaari Comprehensive School primary school level, Maunula Secondary School, Töölö Comprehensive School primary school leveland Töölö Secondary School
* Totally French (with French curriculum) Ecole Jules Verne.
* Totally German (with German curriculum)Deutsche Schule.
* Partially Russian: Myllypuron ala-aste and Suomalais-venäläinen koulu.
Not to mention the partially French, German and Estonian.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
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